Our single automated solution offers comprehensive diagnostics of latch assemblies and coil stacks.
Aging management is crucial as many utilities are seeking to extend their operations past their current licenses. Control Rod Drive Mechanisms (CRDM) and Control Element Drive Mechanisms (CEDM) are among the many electro-mechanical components that utilities cannot completely diagnose while the plant is operating. This lack of real-time feedback makes predictive monitoring incredibly valuable as it can used to avoid costly, unplanned downtime.
Enter our new Control Drive Mechanism (CDM) Diagnostic Tool. This all-in-one solution enables utilities to collect and analyze data simultaneously. The CDM Diagnostic Test System automatically reduces and analyzes recorded data to find faults, which can be used to rapidly identify implementable solutions or trended after several screenings to predict future system issues.
With our CDM Diagnostic Tool, utilities can receive diagnostics testing, data review and analysis performed by our technical experts. This service can be performed in response to suspected performance issues or done proactively and coupled with longer term data trending and predictive analysis support to help keep your plant operating for the long term.
Key Benefits