News | Westinghouse Nuclear

eVinci™ Microreactor Selected for Department of Energy FEEED Contract

Written by Westinghouse Electric Company | October 23, 2023
Work Will Support Deployment of eVinci Nuclear Test Reactor in Idaho

Cranberry Township, PA – Oct. 23, 2023 – Westinghouse Electric Company today announced its selection by the Department of Energy for a Front-End Engineering and Experiment Design contract to support commercialization of its eVinci™ microreactor. The DOE funding supports planning for the deployment of the eVinci Nuclear Test Reactor at Idaho National Lab. 

The test reactor, a one-fifth scale representation of an actual eVinci microreactor, will enable design finalization, testing and licensing of the technology utilizing INL’s National Reactor Innovation Center DOME test bed facility. During this FEEED contract phase, the eVinci team will work with NRIC/INL to create an End-to-End Reactor Test Program plan and schedule for placing the test reactor in the INL facility. 

The eVinci Microreactor builds on decades of Westinghouse innovation to bring carbon-free, safe, and scalable energy wherever it is needed for a variety of applications.

“The FEEED process will bring three microreactor designs one step closer to reality,” said DOE Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy Dr. Kathryn Huff. “These technologies will give choices to diverse communities looking to transition to a clean energy future.”

“We appreciate the ongoing support from the Department of Energy and Idaho National Lab to further the development of this truly innovative reactor technology,” said Jon Ball, President for eVinci Technologies at Westinghouse. “We are at an inflection point and are accelerating the commercialization of our eVinci technology. NRIC’s partnership will be a critical enabler to advance technology readiness and licensing.” 

NRIC is a national Department of Energy program led by Idaho National Laboratory. NRIC speeds the demonstration and deployment of advanced nuclear energy through its mission to inspire stakeholders and the public, empower innovators and deliver successful outcomes. They are charged with, and committed to, demonstrating advanced reactors by the end of 2025.

The eVinci Microreactor builds on decades of Westinghouse innovation to bring carbon-free, safe and scalable energy wherever it is needed for a variety of applications, including electricity and heating for remote communities, universities, mining operations, industrial centers, data centers and defense facilities, and soon the lunar surface and beyond. The eVinci microreactor has very few moving parts, working essentially as a battery, providing the versatility for power systems ranging from several kilowatts to 5 megawatts of electricity, delivered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for eight-plus years without refueling. It can also produce high temperature heat suitable for industrial applications including alternative fuel production such as hydrogen, and has the flexibility to balance renewable output. The technology is 100 percent factory built and assembled before it is shipped in a container to any location.


*Header image: The eVinci microreactor can deliver electricity and heat where and when it’s needed most, including to remote communities and industries.