October 24, 2014 - Congratulations to the AP1000 plant team at the Vogtle site in Georgia on its latest achievement: successfully placing the CA05 structural module for Vogtle Unit 3.This week’s setting of CA05, following the placement in early October of the containment vessel lower ring, represents the solid progress that we are making in the delivery of this historic project.

Photo © 2014 Georgia Power Company.
The Vogtle AP1000 plant will enable our customer, Georgia Power Company, to generate safe, clean, reliable energy for generations to come. This advanced technology will bring significant economic and environmental benefits to the people of the state and region, demonstrating the important role of nuclear energy in a balanced energy portfolio.
The two units under construction at the Vogtle site near Waynesboro, Georgia, together with the two units at the V.C. Summer site in South Carolina, are the first new nuclear plants to be built in the United States in 30 years. Meanwhile, four additional AP1000 units are in advanced stages of construction at the Sanmen and Haiyang sites in China.
You can learn more about the function of the CA05 structural module, and other recent achievements at the Vogtle project, through Georgia Power’s news release here: http://southerncompany.mediaroom.com/index.php?s=43&item=3451
Jeff Benjamin
Senior Vice President, Nuclear Power Plants
Westinghouse Electric Company