After deliveries to more than 25 regions across Europe, our Advanced Doped Pellet Technology (ADOPT™) doped pellets are one step closer to U.S. commercialization.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has informed Westinghouse of their acceptance to review Topical Report WCAP-18482-P/WCAP-18482-NP, Revision 0, “Westinghouse Advanced Doped Pellet Technology (ADOPTTM) Fuel.” The report was originally submitted to the NRC in May 2020, and a draft safety evaluation is expected in summer 2021.
This milestone is a major achievement for the advanced fuel portfolio Westinghouse is developing as part of our EnCore® fuel program. ADOPT fuel, among other innovative products, provides higher density fuel and added energy, in supporting higher fuel burnups through increased enrichments.
“ADOPT fuel offers significant enhancements to a plant’s current fuel performance, we well as increased flexibility for long-term operations,” said Jeff Bradfute, vice president of Americas Fuel Delivery. “We’re excited to continue to make advancements towards offering this solution to our U.S. customers and supporting their near- and long-term operational goals.”