
Category: Technology Leadership (5)

Westinghouse SMR: the Next Step in Nuclear Energy

February 6, 2015 by Robin Rickman

Categories: Technology Leadership

As a global nuclear energy leader, Westinghouse has taken another step forward in simplicity and passive safety with our new, smaller-footprint advanced light-water reactor design. Our conceptual Westinghouse Small Modular Reactor (SMR) is based on decades of Westinghouse knowledge, capabilities and licensing experience, coupled with a legacy of licensed AP1000® Plant passive safety technology and components.

Westinghouse Recognized as Technology Leader and Receives Innovation Award

November 24, 2014 by Cindy Pezze

Categories: Technology Leadership

November 24, 2014 - Innovation is the primary foundation of the work we do at Westinghouse on nuclear products and services. It’s my pleasure to congratulate Westinghouse and our partners from Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in the Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors (CASL) for being awarded the high-performance computing (HPC) Innovation Excellence Award.