News Releases

Westinghouse Confident in U.K.'s Moorside Project Delivery

PITTSBURGH, March 21, 2016 – Westinghouse Electric Company has issued the following statement from Sr. Vice President, New Plants and Major Projects Jeff Benjamin in response to the U.K. regulators’ (Office of Nuclear Regulation and the Environment Agency) joint quarterly report on the Generic Design Assessment (GDA) closure program for the AP1000® reactor design.

Westinghouse CEO Refutes Bloomberg Report

PITTSBURGH, March 17, 2016 – Today Westinghouse President and CEO Danny Roderick issued the following statement to refute the Bloomberg News article that implies that Westinghouse’s finances are under government investigation.

Westinghouse Captures TVA Fleet Contract

PITTSBURGH, March 16, 2016 Westinghouse Electric Company has been selected by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to provide steam generator inspection and maintenance services for the Westinghouse-designed pressurized water reactors at Watts Bar Units 1 and 2 and Sequoyah Units 1 and 2. The contract covers the period 2016 through 2021.

Westinghouse Announces Agreement With Ukraine's Turboatom

KIEV, March 14, 2016 - Westinghouse Electric Company today announced that it has signed an important Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Ukrainian company PJSC Turboatom to explore cooperation on increasing the capacity of Ukraine’s nuclear power plants and other similar units globally.

Westinghouse Positions Italian Manufacturing Operations for Success

PITTSBURGH, MARCH 8, 2016 - In another step furthering its Right to Grow strategy, today Westinghouse Electric Company announced its appointment of Mario Signorini as chief executive officer of Mangiarotti S.p.A., an affiliate of Westinghouse and Toshiba, and managing director, Westinghouse Nuclear Fuel and Components Manufacturing, Italy Operations.