News Releases

Westinghouse Welcomes Students from Central and Eastern Europe to U.S. for Expanded Nuclear Internship Program

Internship Program in Second Year Will Include Students from Ukraine and Czech Republic

Cranberry Township, PA, May 23, 2023 – Westinghouse Electric Company is pleased to announce the hiring of university students from Poland, the Czech Republic and Ukraine for its second Central and Eastern European summer internship program. This program provides a unique learning experience with industry-recognized professionals in the design and support of operating reactors worldwide.

Westinghouse Partners with Dominion Energy to Further Modernize Virginia Nuclear Power Plant with Advanced Equipment

Westinghouse to Design, Manufacture and Deliver Six Steam Generators to Support Dominion’s Subsequent License Renewal Program

Cranberry Township, Pa., USA, May 16, 2023 – Westinghouse Electric Company announced today it has signed a contract with Dominion Energy to design, manufacture, and deliver Replacement Steam Generators at Surry Nuclear Power Station in Virginia.

Westinghouse Releases Inaugural Sustainability Report

Company is committed to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050

Cranberry Township, PA, May 15, 2023 – Westinghouse Electric Company released its inaugural Sustainability Report today. This report highlights our work to deliver clean energy technology globally, protect the environment, embed sustainability throughout our business and invest in our employees and communities across the world.

Westinghouse Submits AP300™ SMR Regulatory Engagement Plan to Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Key Document Outlines Path Forward Toward Design Certification

Cranberry Township, PA, May 9, 2023 – Westinghouse Electric Company announced today the submission of its pre-application Regulatory Engagement Plan with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for the game-changing AP300™ small modular reactor (SMR). The AP300 SMR is based on the proven, licensed Westinghouse AP1000® reactor, the only Gen III+ advanced nuclear technology operating in the world.

Westinghouse Congratulates Plant Vogtle Team for Completing Hot Functional Testing at Unit 4

Lessons Learned from Unit 3 Create Efficiencies to Advance the Project

Cranberry Township, PA, May 5, 2023 – Westinghouse Electric Company today congratulates Southern Nuclear Company, Georgia Power and other project partners for completing hot functional testing at Plant Vogtle Unit 4.  The testing was completed in significantly less time than it took for Unit 3, demonstrating the benefits of the AP1000® reactor's Nth-of-a-kind status.