
Category: Policy & Government

Westinghouse Leads Technical Training Workshop for Key Polish Suppliers Down Selected to Support AP1000® Project

Categories: Policy & Government, AP1000

Event Supports Our Strategy to Invest in the Polish Supply Chain

Poland is at a transformational moment as it prepares for a clean energy future – having selected Westinghouse’s advanced AP1000® technology for the first three reactors for its nuclear energy program.

Our Support to the First City in China Facing the Winter Entirely with Nuclear Power

November 10, 2021 by Westinghouse Electric Company

Categories: Technology Leadership, Policy & Government, Carbon-Free, AP1000

Westinghouse attended the first Carbon Emission Peak and Carbon Neutrality Forum in Yantai, a northern city in China which will pioneer to provide heat through nuclear power plants designed by Westinghouse.

What’s Your Favorite Politician’s Take on Nuclear Energy?

February 8, 2016 by Jeanna Lopatto

Categories: Policy & Government

It’s a presidential election year in the United States. Many are seriously beginning to consider who will be their preferred candidate to lead the country. Will it be someone who supports clean air commitments that the country made this past fall in Paris? Or maybe it’s someone who wants to retain hundreds of thousands of well-paying jobs. Others still may want to know which candidate will help to ensure this country’s ability to generate safe, reliable and efficient baseload energy.

Ex-Im Bank Important for U.S. Suppliers

March 20, 2015 by Kevin Kilmer

Categories: Policy & Government

Competitors around the world are able to offer government-backed financing packages to potential customers as a part of the bidding process. The Export-Import Bank of the United States serves this critical role for U.S.-based corporations. The Ex-Im Bank provides loans to global customers, which allow companies like Westinghouse and our suppliers, to compete with the quality of our products and services. Without the Ex-Im Bank, chances to compete for global business are severely limited for Westinghouse and for our 7,000 suppliers. Across America – tens of thousands of small business suppliers benefit from partnerships with large exporters who rely on Ex-Im Bank.

The Future of the U.S. Nuclear Industry

January 20, 2015 by Rita Bowser

Categories: Next-Gen Plants, Policy & Government

New nuclear is moving forward; the four AP1000® nuclear power plants currently being built in the U.S. attest to that fact. Even though gas prices and other market influencers have slowed nuclear new build progression in general – there is still a very promising future for the U.S. nuclear industry and it is invigorating to be a part of it. Nuclear energy is a sustainable source of clean energy that also addresses the need for energy security to support the recovering economy. You cannot have one without the other.