
Author: Westinghouse Electric Company

Product Spotlight: Reactor Coolant System Monitoring

September 7, 2021 by Westinghouse Electric Company

Categories: Engineering, Reliability

Since the first reported incident more than 30 years ago, nuclear utilities have trusted our experts with evaluating and responding to pipe cracking and thermal fatigue in various systems through their plants.

Westinghouse opens new office in West Cumbria to support growth ambitions

August 5, 2021 by Westinghouse Electric Company

Westinghouse is delighted to announce the opening of our new office on the West Lakes Science Park, in West Cumbria, to support our expanding business needs in the UK.

In the national spotlight: Our Women in Nuclear (WIN) Pittsburgh Chapter

August 3, 2021 by Westinghouse Electric Company

This is the chapter’s third national recognition in the last decade.

24-month Fuel Cycle Operation

August 2, 2021 by Westinghouse Electric Company

Categories: Advanced Fuel Solutions, Nuclear Fuel

Delivering enhanced fuel reliability today for tomorrow’s operating fleet

Alternate Rod Worth Verification Delivers Short-Term Savings with Long-Term Opportunities

August 2, 2021 by Westinghouse Electric Company

Startup program reduced schedule time and cost while enabling future operational flexibility.