First-of-a-Kind Technology Upgrades Enhance Plant Safety and Reliability
First phase of I&C Modernization contract implemented at Farley nuclear plant
First phase of I&C Modernization contract implemented at Farley nuclear plant
Categories: Technology Leadership, Engineering, Reliability, Instrumentation & Control
Westinghouse’s Common Q safety-grade I&C platform provides utilities with significant operations and maintenance savings through reduced or eliminated surveillances and the high availability and reliability of the proven AC160N technology.
Categories: Advanced Fuel Solutions, Nuclear Fuel
Delivering value today while building towards tomorrow’s objectives.
Categories: Advanced Fuel Solutions, Outage & Maintenance, Nuclear Fuel
BlueRad camera system detects possibly harmful wire during visual examination of plant’s fuel assembly.
Categories: Engineering, Nuclear Fuel
In an ever-changing regulatory landscape, ensuring compliance of analysis methods is one less challenge that nuclear utilities need to face.