
Incremental Fuel Milestone Delivers Significant Short- and Long-Term Benefits

Categories: Advanced Fuel Solutions, Nuclear Fuel

Delivering value today while building towards tomorrow’s objectives.

High-Definition Inspection Camera Identifies Potential Leaker-Causing Debris

Categories: Advanced Fuel Solutions, Outage & Maintenance, Nuclear Fuel

BlueRad camera system detects possibly harmful wire during visual examination of plant’s fuel assembly.

Product Spotlight: 3D Rod Ejection Licensed Methodology (3DRE)

Categories: Engineering, Nuclear Fuel

In an ever-changing regulatory landscape, ensuring compliance of analysis methods is one less challenge that nuclear utilities need to face.

Spring Outage Season Continues with Successful BWR Refueling

April 27, 2021 by Westinghouse Electric Company

Categories: Reliability, Outage & Maintenance

Predictable. Uneventful. These words may seem dull to most, but they are worthy of high praise when it comes to nuclear plant refueling outages. Every 18 months, utilities rely on their suppliers to deliver dependable performance free of surprises and curiosities.

Reach Even the Most Remote Areas with the Scarab Cleaning Crawler

April 27, 2021 by Westinghouse Electric Company

Categories: General Topics, Reliability, Outage & Maintenance

Our submersible ROV helps maintains the fuel storage pool within acceptable activity limits.