
Delivering Optimal Outage Performance to Our Global Fleet

April 22, 2017 by Steve Ira

Categories: Safety, Our People & Culture, Engineering

Just like automobiles, nuclear power plants have to be “tuned up” on a regular basis to keep them running efficiently and for a long time. Westinghouse’s outage services team comprises 4,000+ dedicated men and women who safely perform the vital refueling, services, inspection and installation/modification work needed on a regular basis to keep nuclear plants in peak operating condition. Our craftspeople, engineers, welders, technicians and machinists precisely plan and time every detail of an outage to minimize interruptions in electricity generation and enable our customers to get their plants back online on schedule.

Thinking Big: Patent Leadership

February 23, 2017 by Westinghouse Electric Company

Categories: General Topics

At Westinghouse, our inventors and innovators push the limits of innovation and ingenuity.

Engineers Think Big, Execute Bigger

February 20, 2017 by Jim Brennan

Categories: General Topics

When a painter is given a blank canvas and a paintbrush, the painter can create a beautiful work of art. When an engineer is given a problem to resolve and the right tools, the engineer can create an innovative solution.

The Art of Aging Well: Westinghouse Introduces Laser Peening

January 10, 2017 by Westinghouse Electric Company

Categories: General Topics

Your plant’s efficient and economical operation today is at the heart of every life-extending product and service we offer for tomorrow’s economic and long-term operational viability. 

The First to Innovate the Next: Inspiring Future Technical Experts

December 2, 2016 by Cindy Pezze

Categories: Outreach, Our People & Culture

As Westinghouse’s Vice President of Global Technology Development and Chief Technology Officer, I am responsible for ensuring a robust career path for our global workforce of technical leaders. But I believe that this responsibility extends outside of the workplace. I’ve been extremely fortunate to have such strong support from leaders and colleagues throughout my career, and I am committed to providing that same guidance and support to others. That’s why I am proud to be the executive sponsor of the Westinghouse Science Honors Institute (WSHI).